Friday, September 21, 2012

It is going to be a different world for both of us!!

What would you like to say to Michale?

This is too funny to pass up -
I told Myke SirKayo Knox, my son to clean up and get rid of "stuff"...
I looked under his bed and there were 3 bottles and a girl that I saw on a milk carton in 1998 - 
I found his pacifier - science project that I am CERTAIN he received an "A+" from the 4th grade - 
Jesus, have Mercy on him - the next 17 weeks and 6 days are going to be "A Different World" - 
I am literally shaking my head and rolling on the floor laughing...because he got mad that I was inspecting his work...
If you have been to basic training....PLEASE LIKE...I think he is taking his Play Station with him...ROFL... ♥

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